Daryl Fang R.Ac.

TCM and Acupuncture are my life's biggest passions (after basketball and cooking). I have worked in this field for over 12 years now and with each year that passes, I am always in awe and humbled by the transformational healing effects of this modality of treatment on my patients.
I first got exposed to TCM and Acupuncture while living and working in Hong Kong in the 2000's after graduating from university in Toronto, Canada. I caught a terrible sinus infection which I was told by doctors would go away after a round of antibiotics. After three rounds, the right side of my face was puffy. I couldn't breathe well and my right eyelid was swollen. I was ready to throw in the towel and try something different at this point. I was referred to an eccentrically brilliant Chinese Medicine Practitioner who, after a session of acupuncture and three bags of "interesting" smelling herbs which I was told to boil and drink, finally relieved the pain and swelling on my sinuses and my face. I was convinced that this was my life calling and after observing for a few months at this same amazing practitioner's clinic, I decided to go back to school again to learn this incredible healing art.
My calling took me to Melbourne, Australia where I enrolled in RMIT University and undertook my Bachelors of Applied Science in Human Biology and Traditional Chinese Medicine from 2005 to 2009. I graduated with honours and worked from the time I graduated until 2011 in Bing's Natural Health, a wonderful privately owned clinic in the Melbournian suburb of Middle Park. After falling in love with my newborn niece (status update: I am Super Fun Aunt now to 2 nieces!) while visiting home in Toronto in 2010, I decided that I'd return to be with my family and I came back in August of 2011. I wanted to hit the ground running and find work as soon as I possibly could and I got a position as a Registered Acupuncturist in the Toronto Acupuncture Studio in November of that same year.
I stayed with The Toronto Acupuncture Studio until the summer of 2017 but the chance of lifetime came up when I was given the opportunity in September 2017 to work alongside my long time mentor & well renowned TCM Practitioner, Dr. Zhi Ping Ren at Ren Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinic. He offered me a place at his clinic as Associate and fellow Registered Acupuncturist and I jumped in headfirst at this opportunity.
In August of 2018, I was brought on board to work at Darou Wellness (as of March 2022, reborn again as Inspired Wellness) where my primary focus is alleviating common Women's Health conditions. At around the same time last year, I was also offered a position at Simple Cures (in Toronto's Beaches community) where I will be practicing until April 2022.
I have recently accepted a new role in White Lotus Clinic in North York, where I will continue on in my role as Registered Acupuncturist with a focus on Women's Health. I am wrapping up my time at Simple Cures by the end of March 2022 but will begin part-time hours in White Lotus Clinic on March 19, 2022. I will transition to full time hours on Thursdays and Saturdays in April of 2022 there and from that month onwards, I will be basing my practice out of two main clinics in Toronto: Inspired Wellness (formerly known as Darou Wellness) and White Lotus Clinic. I still have to put it out there as I am a huge basketball "nerd-fan". As much as I love what I do, unless I am offered a crazy role as The Raptors All Star Acupuncturist (Toronto Raptors - hint hint), these two clinics are where l will be making myself at home and I hope to see you at either west side workplace!
I look forward to meeting you soon. Until then, good health to you - always!

My Work So Far.
I tend to look at this section as a map showing me how far I have come in my personal journey as an Acupuncturist, Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Healer. It's crazy when I look back and see where the journey has taken me in my life up until now starting from my early travels in Hong Kong, to my studies in Australia and back full circle to my now current practice in hometown Toronto.

My Personal and Professional Roadmap (Qualifications, Education & Professional Development)

From August 2018 - Currently:
Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) at Darou Wellness, Toronto, Canada
From March 19, 2022 - Currently:
Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) at White Lotus Clinic, Toronto, Canada
September August 2018 - March 2022
Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) at Simple Cures, Toronto, Canada
September 2017 - April 29, 2019:
Associate & Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) at Ren Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinic, Toronto, Canada
2009 - April 2011
Registered Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner at Bing's Natural Health, Melbourne, Australia
B.App. Sci. Human Biology and Traditional Chinese Medicine (Honours), RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Acupuncture Assistant at Dr. William Ke, Preston Acupuncture Clinic, Preston, Australia
B.A. Psychology, The University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
November 2011 - July 2017
Registered Acupuncturist at The Toronto Acupuncture Studio, Toronto, Canada